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Let’s get the Overseer SDK installed and configured in your project. The process is straightforward and should only take a few minutes.

Quick Install

  1. Set Up Your Environment

    Terminal window
    # Create a new project directory
    mkdir my-ai-project
    cd my-ai-project
    # Initialize package.json
    npm init -y
    # Create a .env file for your API key
    touch .env

    Add your API key to the .env file:

    # Your API key from the Overseer dashboard
  2. Install the SDK

    Terminal window
    npm install @overseerai/sdk
  3. Verify Installation

    import { Overseer } from '@overseerai/sdk';
    // Initialize the client
    const overseer = new Overseer({
    apiKey: process.env.API_KEY
    // Test the connection
    const result = await overseer.validate('Hello world');
    console.log('Connection successful:', result.isAllowed);

Environment Variables

Make sure to load your environment variables in your application. We recommend using dotenv:

Terminal window
npm install dotenv

Then in your application:

import 'dotenv/config';
// Now process.env.API_KEY will be available

Next Steps

Once you have the SDK installed, head over to the Quick Start Guide to learn how to integrate it with your AI system.